Christoforos Kasdaglis is Reporters United co-founder. He started his career in journalism in 1988 with the column “Soldier, Where Are You Going?” in the Greek landmark newspaper Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia, where he later served as editor-in-chief (1995-1999). He has worked for an array of Greek media - for the newspapers Ethnos and Pontiki, for magazines (Epsilon, 4 Trohoi, Para Pente, Galera, KannabiStreet, NEO, AllStar Basket), for online media (forthnet.gr, imerologioanergou.gr, thepressproject.gr, reportersunited.gr), and as a radio producer (902 Aristera sta FM, 959 Rodos FM). Christoforos has been a lecturer at the Journalism Workshop of Panteion University (2002-2005). In his youth, he was employed at the National Bank of Greece. He is the author of the books (in Greek) I’m Discharged and Losing My Mind (ARS LONGA 1988, BELL 1993, OXY 1999, KASTANIOTIS 2011), Dangerous Patent (AGRA 1993), Split! (KASTANIOTIS 2009), The Left and the Big Bad Wolf (OXY 2009), “Damn it”- A Panathinaikos’s Fan Cry (KASTANIOTIS 2010), Anonymous Bankrupts (KASTANIOTIS 2012), Diary of an Unemployed (KASTANIOTIS 2014), 1983 (KASTANIOTIS 2019), and Dionysis Savvopoulos: Dirty Bread (OXY 2022). Christoforos was born in 1958. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business (ASOEE). He is married to Youli Kalofolia and has two children, Stella and Manolis. Recently, he has shared his time between Trikala Korinthias and Athens. In his dreams, he shares his time between Kythera Island and the Appalachians.