The Manifold is an investigative journalism outfit, established in 2018, aiming to provide in-depth research and analysis on critical social issues. In April 2020, the outfit launched The Manifold Files, a website designed to host long-term journalistic investigations, organized in the form of a file that contains the complete material gathered in the course of an investigation, but also a monitor that is perpetually updated with new developments. The Manifold also publishes in outlets including Inside Story, Al Jazeera English, Deutsche Welle, The Columbia Journalism Review et al. The Manifold members are Mariniki Alevizopoulou, Yiannis Baboulias, Mihalis Panayiotakis, Yannis-Orestis Papadimitriou, Eliza Triantafyllou, Achilleas Zavallis and Augustine Zenakos.